TBTL join everyone in looking forward to Christmas and a brighter 2021
Cumbrian Set and Costume Designer Louie Whitemore has worked on creating ‘Stars of Wonder’, a three tier Christmas installation viewable through the windows on all three floors of the theatre building, which celebrates Christmas past, embraces Christmas present and looks ahead to Christmas future. The installation, designed especially for the 2020 Keswick Advent Window Trail, gives a nod to past TBTL Christmas shows that have given so much Christmas joy to audiences. Regular theatre goers may recognise themes from some of the popular Christmas favourites such as Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, The Secret Garden and The Snow Queen.
Liz Stevenson, TBTL’s Artistic Director said:
We’re delighted to be part of the Keswick Advent Window Trail and to be able to bring a festive offering to Keswick this Christmas. We hope our trip back into the archives of our past Christmas shows will remind people of all the great times we’ve shared over the years. It’s a time of hope and optimism and we are now looking forward to welcoming audiences back to the Theatre in the New Year.
To get everyone in the Christmas mood, TBTL have launched their Christmas Quiz – a whirl wind romp through Christmases past – a challenge to tease the ‘little grey cells’ into action. What was the name of the stationmaster in The Railway Children? Cribbins? Parker? Perks? Don’t all shout out at once! The answers are on the Theatre’s new website. And if the family are feeling creative, then the children can take part in a competition by drawing their favourite Christmas character from the past – the prize being two children’s tickets for next year’s Christmas show.
The Christmas Quiz and competition can be downloaded and shared with family and friends.
‘Tis the season for giving and sharing – while supporting your local theatre! So, if you are looking for a gift that won’t go straight into the sock drawer then TBTL’s Gift Vouchers will fit the bill perfectly! Something to open on Christmas Day and something to look forward to in the New Year. Alternatively you could buy someone a Gift membership for a present that keeps giving for a whole year. Gift vouchers can be bought from the theatre’s newly launched website: www.theatrebythelake.com
Looking forward to the beginning of 2021, Liz said:
We’re excited about sparking some new ideas and collaborating with some amazing creative people. We really can’t wait to welcome our audiences back into our building.
More information about the Spring programme will be announced in the New Year.