Tue 12 Sep 2023

UK Government launch Suicide Prevention strategy for England 2023 – 2028

This week (week commencing 11 September 2023) the UK Government have launched a new suicide prevention strategy, with a pledge to rapidly reduce England’s suicide rate within two and a half years.

More then 100 measures are being taken as part of the strategy, including action to aid specific groups at risk and refreshed guidance for first responders.


Here in Cumbria, the suicide rate is 50% higher than the national average. We believe that theatre can have a positive impact on the lives of our communities and play an important role in encouraging conversations through stories with important, empowering and positive messages. We have been working with national and regional suicide prevention charities Every Life Matters, Papyrus and Andy’s Man Club, who have provided a lot of advice and support, plus training many of our staff and volunteers who have becoming Orange Button Holders.


We are deeply proud to be presenting Every Brilliant Thing, with the support of these charities, at Theatre by the Lake, and then touring community spaces across Cumbria, this September and October.


Read more about the Government Suicide Prevention strategy for England 2023 – 2028 here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/major-national-strategy-to-reduce-number-of-tragic-suicides


Suicide Prevention charities supporting Every Brilliant Thing: Every Life Matters, Papyrus and Andy's Man Club